Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Blessings God has Promised You (Letter to Returned Mongolia Missionaries)

Our Dear Returned Missionaries:

Always remember how much we love and respect you. You are Children of God and He, too, is very concerned about you. We are pleased that so many of you are still fully active in the Church; we pray for those of you who may be less active now and do hope that you will come back to your Savior and the Church soon.

Especially, I thank those of you who wrote to me during the past week. It is so very good to hear from you. I hope that more of you write this week. Some of you sent e-mails this week with e-mail addresses for returned missionaries that we did not have in our records. Thank you very much. We do ask that all of you send us e-mail addresses of returned missionaries that you correspond with. We still lack more than 300 e-mail addresses for our returned Mongolian missionaries. Please help us.

The Lord's work continues to go well in Mongolia but will go much better when all of the returned missionaries come back to activity and accept leadership and teaching responsibility in the branches and districts. The Lord love you and needs you.

I have recently been assigned by President Andersen to attend and be an adviser to Khan-Uul Branch. It is good to see a returned missionary, President Tsog, serving so well there. However, he needs a lot of help in all of the organizations in the branch. I will work with him to strengthen the returned missionaries there. Also, we contact all of the branch presidents in Mongolia each week to encourage them to find and strengthen returned missionaries in their branches. We are making progress, but we need your help both in always being fully active and serving in your branch or ward and in helping us find and strengthen other missionaries.

I have thought a lot about two scriptures this week that remind us of our blessings in the Gospel and our responsibility to our fellow-members. The first is Doctrine and Covenants 76:5-10. Please read this. It tell us of the blessings God has prepared for us, and in verses five and six, the Lord says: "...I, the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and truth unto the end. Great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory." The second is, Mosiah 3:8-10.

Here, Alma tells his people before their baptism what being baptized really means. Please read this and note especially our duties to help our fellow-members in verse 9.

Please write soon. We love you. May God bless you always.

Elder Malan Jackson

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