Thursday, December 18, 2008

Weekly Report from Grandma

Dear President Andersen,

I have already carbon copied three emails to you this morning that Danny Chin requested by telephone Saturday evening.

At our last quarterly consultant training meeting we had the sisters sign up for Saturday Training in PAF. We will have 4 sisters come in each Saturday so that we can personally help them understand the Church's Personal Ancestral Program (PAF). In the future I hope it will be possible for each FH consultant to have a computer so that they can help members in their own chapel. I know the work is going to progress rapidly in the future. The consultants could arrange for different branch members to come in and help them with their FH. It will slowly evolve. When is released we will need more frequent and closer supervised help from the branch family history consultants and the members. There are many new concepts and "steps" that need to be taught.

We are having a District FH Fireside on January 11, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. It will be held in the Chapel. We will talk about TRIBE names and help the members identify theirs. If it fits your schedule and is convenient, we would like to invite you and Sister Andersen to attend and speak on the importance of FH work and how it can help us get our own temple in Mongolia. As you know, I feel that Oyuna was inspired to mention the TRIBE name listing on the National Identify Card that each Mongolian citizen over 18 carries with them at all times. Knowing one's TRIBE name will greatly assist them in identifying their ancestors and facilitating their FH research.

On April 19th we have reserved the Chalpel at 6:00 p.m. for a FIRESIDE open to all members of the church where we will discuss "GOLDEN GENERATION/GENEALOGY" (identifying your true TRIBE name). We are inviting an expert to teach the Saints.

I want to thank you for talking to Oyuna about her concerns. She came back from your interview with more peace than she has had since I first knew her. THANK YOU! It is wonderful to have the priesthood direction and wisdom that you share with all of us. I am so relieved that you told her NOT to resign. She is the backbone of our FH Center!

I also appreciated your response to my last weekly report. Only the Lord did knew how to slow down Elder Jackson. He is feeling much better now, but it was a rough 2 weeks to keep going as much as he did. He has "true grit".

I am feeling well. I get tired too easily, but I guess that's what happens as we age. I love my calling and feel the Lord is guiding and directing me to know how to serve the Saints here in regards to doing their FH.

We are grateful to you and your sweet wife for all that you do for us and your continued direction.

Love, Sister Linda Lou Jackson

This weekend it will be 30 degrees below Fahrenheit. But we bundle up and are warm.

Missing all of you so very much. 4 months down, only 19 to go. We'll make it with your support. We are both so proud of all that you are doing.

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